7 Successful Qualities of the Proverbs 31 Woman to Cultivate in Your Everday Life and Business

The Proverbs 31 woman is often seen as the epitome of a godly woman and wife.

This well-known passage describes a woman of noble character who cares for her family, contributes to business endeavors, and serves her community with wisdom and strength. Many of the qualities and virtues she displays are incredibly relevant for modern women in positions of business and leadership today.

So what does it mean to embody the spirit of the Proverbs 31 woman as a businesswoman and leader?

Here are 7 key qualities to implement:

1. She Actively Seeks Wisdom from God and Displays Discernment

The Proverbs 31 woman is praised for her wisdom, discretion, and discernment. She speaks with wisdom and instructs with kindness (v.26). As an entrepreneur and businesswoman, you can seek wisdom from God, be discerning in business relationships and partnerships, and lead with integrity, foresight and empathy. Rely on God for discernment when making major business decisions.

2. She Brings Diligence, Honor, Integrity and Commitment to Her Work

In verse 23, the Proverbs 31 woman’s husband is known as respected in the city gate, in part because of her excellence. As an entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to honor God and gain respect through the quality of your work. Be above reproach in your business practices while also pursuing excellence. Your leadership, integrity and skilled work can be a testament to God’s glory.

3. Her Work is Meaningful and Impactful

The Proverbs 31 woman makes fine linens and belts to sell, plants vineyards, and establishes profitable trading relationships. As a businesswoman, find ways for your gifts, skills and resources to strengthen your community through your business. Your work is part of God’s redemptive plan. Look for needs you can meet through business endeavors.

4. She Effectively Balances Home Life and Work

While the Proverbs 31 woman contributes greatly to work outside the home, she also cares for her family and manages her home. Similarly, you may be juggling business with home life demands. Seek God for wisdom in balancing your priorities. Set healthy boundaries around work and make time for family. Your marriage, children and other relationships matter too.

5. She Embodies Servant Leadership

The Proverbs 31 woman serves her household, community, and the poor. Adopt this same servant attitude as a businesswoman. Be willing to get your hands dirty, avoid pride, and remember leadership is not about power over others. Jesus modeled servant leadership by washing his disciples feet. Look for opportunities to humbly serve your team and community.

6. She Extends Her Hand to the Needy

This remarkable woman extends her hands to the needy and opens her arms to the poor (v.20). As God blesses your business, be generous and share with those in need. Let your business be a force for good. Develop a social enterprise model that gives back or donate a portion of profits to charity. Allow your business to be an expression of God’s compassion.

7. She Fears the Lord

Above all else, the Proverbs 31 woman fears the Lord (v.30). This is where it all starts. Cultivate an intimate relationship with God and make decisions prayerfully. Cling to Jesus and build your business on Biblical truth. Ask for discernment daily. When you fear God, other qualities like hard work, wisdom and humility will follow.

While being a Proverbs 31 woman in today’s complex business culture isn’t easy, embodying her spirit of wisdom, strong work ethic, generosity, and godly leadership can set women apart as inspiring role models. Rely on Scripture, prayer, and Jesus’ example to guide your business and reflect the Proverbs 31 woman well. At the end of the day, build a business God can take pleasure in and aim to hear “Well done my good and faithful servant!”